Sunday, July 17, 2011

Credit and Home Ownership

Earlier this week, thanks to Amber MacArthur's Google+ post, I learned of a new website called takes plain old statistics, think of staring at pages of numbers at 1am to cram for your college statistics test, and turns numbers into a visually pleasing infograph. goes beyond displaying numbers in a cool new way, it allows a processes or other difficult to understand information to be presented in a way that is easy to comprehend.  For example, have you every wondered what happens to your mortgage after closing, or have you questioned what a hedge fund is?  The Credit and Home Ownership infograph below shows how it might be possible you are investing in your home mortgage through your retirement account!  Sound confusing?  Just spend a few minutes looking over the Credit and Home Mortgage inforgraph and the life cycle of a home mortgage will become much clearer, at least it was for me.

by GOOD via