Sunday, August 12, 2007


Many of you already know that kitchens and bathrooms sell houses. Here is a link to a web site with some great ideas on how to update your bathroom.

For more FREE tips on how to make your home stand out from the crowd, e-mail

Your real estate tech geek,


Troy is a licensed Realtor with Edina Realty

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Preparing your home for sale

Welcome to the week of August 6, 2007! I thought we were out of the woods with the hot, humid weather, but it appears we have some more hot days ahead of us.

As promised, here are 3 important tips on preparing your home for sale.

1. Consider the curb appeal.
Making sure your home looks the absolute best from the street is essential for selling to today's tech savvy buyers. Most buyers find homes on the internet, then drive past the homes to physically see what the exterior of the home looks like. Today's buyers are deciding which homes they'll actually view based on the homes exterior condition.

2. Get rid of clutter!
Once your home passes the "curb appeal" test, the buyers will schedule a showing or viewing of your home with their REALTOR. This is an opportunity for you as a seller to help the buyer see the features your home offers. The goal of getting rid of clutter is twofold: 1- you want to make your home feel as spacious as possible. 2- You want the buyer to be able to imagine their furnishings in your house. If your house is cluttered, the buyer may feel there is not enough room, or have difficulty envisioning their personal items in your house.

3. Clean, clean and clean again.
When a potential buyer views your home, you have one chance to shine! Unfortunately, too many sellers still remember how the real estate market was when they purchased their home a few years ago. In the real estate market of yesteryear, buyers often overlooked small inadequacies in homes. However, with more homes to choose from, today's buyer insists the home they purchase is spotless.

For more FREE tips on how to make your home stand out from the crowd, e-mail

The real estate market is starting to regain some momentum, now that summer vacations are starting to wrap up. As your real estate guru, I'm here to help so please contact me with any questions. As always, for a FREE list of home for sale in your neighborhood, e-mail

Your real estate tech geek,


Troy is a licensed Realtor with Edina Realty

What's that smell?

I found this article about removing odors and thought this blog is the appropriate place for it. The entire article, titled 8 Surprising Household Deodorizers, can be found at,22304,1590426,00.html. The title is appropriate, as I was surprised to learn Vodka has another use beyond happy hour!